
What is Bloat-Friendly Fashion?

What is Bloat-Friendly Fashion?

Bloat-friendly fashion is our approach to styling outfits so that you look great and feel comfortable when you’re bloated.  Everyone can find outfits that they feel comfortable and look good in whe...
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What to Wear When You’re Feeling Bloated

What to Wear When You’re Feeling Bloated

So many of us experience different life events whether it be, PMS, post pregnancy, menopause, autoimmune diseases, etc… that makes us bloat.  Personally, I struggle with IBS, celiac disease and en...
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Bloated fashion, wardrobe essentials

Bloated fashion, wardrobe essentials

In the previous blog I spoke about why comfy clothes mean so much to me.  From having celiac disease, allergic to dairy and having endometriosis, my bloated stomach constantly controls me and I r...
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Beautifully Bloated and Bloat-Friendly Fashion

Beautifully Bloated and Bloat-Friendly Fashion

I’m Nicole Berger, the bloated b*itch (shout out to my Kelly Kapoor fans), and well, I’m constantly bloated.  From being celiac, having a dairy allergy, struggling with endometriosis, and still i...
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